Zenwalls Gallery Peebles
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Victoria Wylie
  -    -    -  Victoria Wylie

Victoria makes contemporary abstract landscape paintings from her home studio in Angus. Her paintings are a celebration of the natural world. Exploring the wilderness of Scotland’s land and sea, and finding solitary moments surrounded by nature.

Horizon lines fascinate her. This comes from growing up close to the North Yorkshire Moors – the vast stretches of openness inform her work in many ways. Her paintings respond to the changing elements and the rhythm of the landscape as she explores the visual tensions that arise when sky meets sea meets land. The paintings are memories of these moments and while each artwork is a reflection from a particular place, they encompass numerous experiences – each painting lends a fragment of itself to the next.

Her work is bold, striking and atmospheric – she captures energy through playful mark-making and enjoys the serendipity that occurs as a result. Her connection with, and respect for the natural world is central to every mark she makes. This connection is something she hopes to share with others through her paintings.

Victoria graduated from Duncan of Jordanstone College of Art + Design with a BDes (Hons) in Constructed Textiles, specialising in Gobelin tapestry weaving. She went on to complete a Master of Fine Art. She has exhibited throughout Scotland and the rest of the UK and has artworks in private collections across the world.





